Mirzo Kanoatov, Ph.D.

Portrait image of Mirzo Kanoatov

Hi! I'm a scientist with a flair for transforming new technologies into practical solutions for healthcare.

Currently, I work as a Scientific Manager in the pharmaceutical industry, where I help to develop precision medicine products. My scientific experience spans medical devices, biomaterials, diagnostic tests, biomarkers, and bioanalytical instrumentation. I've also worked in web development, graphics design, and telecom.

As you can probably tell, my interests are all over the map. I am an unremitting generalist, an anti-specialist. I believe that the most impactful innovation comes from cross-domain thinking and unbound creativity.

This website is a playground for my interests. I write about:

I write mostly for myself, but post my notes in case others may find them useful.

A cell surface membrane that transitions dark blue to white

I love meeting interesting people, brainstorming outlandish ideas, and collaborating on exploratory projects.

You should reach out!

Let's make something remarkable together.

An illustration of three people sitting around a campfire, having an engaging conversation.